Episode 001 – The Nick Alexander Podcast (Welcome!) Nick Alexander
  • Welcome

    Nick Alexander is ready and willing to serve you and your needs, to help foster renewal to families and youth/young adults.

    Nick Alexander is a dynamic Catholic-Charismatic-Christian comedian/worship-leader/speaker. He has three comedy albums out, but is also available to share the Great News of the Living Reality of Christ in our Daily Lives, in a way that is engaging, funny, heartfelt and effective.

Nick Alexander
  • What Nick Does…

    Nick Alexander has evolved his ministry over the course of twenty years, as he had grown spiritually and in skills.

    Today, Nick is most known for four things:

Nick Alexander

Parody Artist

Find out more about Nick the funnyman…
Nick Alexander

Keynote Presenter

Find out more about Nick the speaker…
Nick Alexander

Worship Leader

Find out more about Nick the Worship Leader…
Nick Alexander


Find out more about Nick the Podcaster…

Nick's Blog

For Those Who Missed It… My Journey Home Appearance

I fully understand that there are some who missed my appearance on The Journey Home, aired earlier this week on EWTN.  Perhaps your cable provider doesn’t carry this channel.  Or perhaps you were unable to tear away from prior engagements.  Or perhaps, you’re like me… loathing any television program where it’s just two people talking, much preferring... Read More

The Journey Home (EWTN): Why I Became Catholic

At Long Last At long last, I will make a reappearance on national TV on September 19, 2022.  That is when the long running The Journey Home series will have me as their guest.  This is a show where converts to the Catholic faith share their stories.  I follow a long tradition of intellectual theological giants and philanthropists, and, now that they’ve run out of such,... Read More

My Catholic Testimony

Anybody want to read my Catholic testimony? It’s been about a year since I last shared anything here.  Like all things during this pandemic, I feel like I’ve been in suspended automation; no opportunities to perform, no interest in crafting new parody songs, no creation of videos.  I didn’t even care about creating songs ABOUT the pandemic, as the humor... Read More

Where I’m At: January 17, 2021 at 09:57AM

Hello all! I’m still here… and for the last few months/years I’ve still embarked on a tremendous songwriting challenge, where I’ve written one or two worship melodies a week. I’m not ready to reveal them all yet, as there is going to be a lot of these ready for publishing/recording, when I am convinced they are all ready, and the skills I need... Read More

Where I’m At: November 01, 2019 at 04:59AM

I will be performing for school-aged youth and tweens in a number of performances in two weeks. What is exciting is that I hope to get some video footage of three new songs I had written. The songs are: Sloppy (Parody of The Shape of You by Ed Sheehan), which is about a kid having a messy room, too many toys, and his desire to donate some of them to a local Goodwill…... Read More

[Outside The Box]How Would You Improve the Catholic Church? [Survey]

Original Post Ryan Dixon, a Catholic, is collecting 500-word essays as to how to improve the Church. He says you don’t even have to be Catholic to answer the survey. The survey would then be collated into a blog and book form. If this interests you, fill out the survey here: http://bit.ly/improve-church-survey #OutsideTheBoxOriginal Post  Read More →

Where I’m At: August 10, 2018 at 10:13AM

It’s been a long while since I’ve posted, and I apologize. It’s been too long. I have stumbled upon a project that has me excited and is dominating my attention nowadays. The thing is, I am in no way able to introduce it to you just yet. But I can give you a brief synopsis. In short, I am crafting a series of liturgically-appropriate praise and worship... Read More

Where I’m At: September 14, 2017 at 02:28PM

Tomorrow I fly to Indiana for a concert and a series of talks. And, yes, I wrote five new parody songs for the event..  Read More →

[Quora] Is comedy in the church pulpit acceptable?

A short while ago someone asked this on Quora: Is comedy in the church pulpit acceptable?This was how I answered their question.  Read More →

[Reddit]: Somebody Asked How to Make Mass Come Alive. I Answered…

Somebody had asked how to make Sunday mass come alive. My answer … Focus on the liturgy. The words. Print them out in advance, or get a Sunday missal for you to carry with you. Look specifically at the unique Prayers of the priest, at the Collect, Offertory, and after Communion. Each of these is different, and the latest translation is extremely beautiful and orthodox.... Read More

Why I Could Not Get a YOUCAT Bible for my Kids

I was looking for a Bible to give my ten-year olds. I saw that YouCat had came out with a version, and I was very interested in supporting YouCat. One positive review of this resource is Kathy Schiffer’s at the National Catholic Register. However, the fact that it wasn’t a complete text made it a non-starter. I do understand that certain passages (like the passage... Read More

[Reddit]: “Feeling absolutely miserable and confused”

A high schooler reached out to Reddit’s Catholicism community for help. He had felt alone in his struggles to stay faithful, and was addicted to pornography. He had been chastised for the faith, and now he didn’t even know what it meant to love the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. The following was my response. Lot to cover here. Thank you for writing. We... Read More

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